Thursday, November 28, 2013

It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas...

Well, sorry you all haven't heard from me in such a long time, but really I have been absolutely flat out. So busy that to be honest I couldn't tell you what I've done. But I will give you all a heads up to where I am at the moment.

Well, for a start, where I am is cold. Damn cold, And we don't even have snow yet - as I sit here writing this I am IN BED AT FOUR IN THE AFTERNOON, with the heater on high and trackpants, hoodie, and two pairs of socks on. Emma is very cold. I keep hoping for snow to come so I can have my dreamlike 'White Christmas', but I know realistically that I will be like, well, a child at Christmas as soon as it begins and then after about an hour start grumbling about how cold it is and how cold wet feet are horrible. The Christmas Market in Luneburg opened on Wednesday, and although I haven't seen the main part of it yet, the streets are all lined with stalls selling Gluhwein, Crepes (Banana and Nutella best flavour), Schmalzkuchen (mini donut-like things that are harder than donut like they've gone stale, and sprinkled with icing sugar - not as delicious as the fresh cinnamon donuts I buy at the A&P show!!), almonds coated in a spiced sugar coating and of course, bratwurst and beer. We also have Christmas trees up all over the city. Now, at home I always make Shortbread for Christmas and it turns out that when mum makes the dough for me to roll and cut out, that she TRIPLES the recipe (she assured me that it isn't because of the amount of dough I eat when cutting the shapes out but I don't believe her...) Well, in Germany they don't just have one sort of Christmas biscuit. Oh no. My host family make ten. Usually 'just ten'. I was astounded.

Christmas carols have been ringing around the house for well over a month now, as both Christine my host mum and I adore carols and Christmas songs. We have been even more emerged in Christmas music recently as our choir is performing its Christmas concert next weekend and guess who the soloist is that sings the harmony over the whole choir in the last verse of Hark! The Herald Angels Sing is..? ME! Yes, me! The first time I sang it, everyone else sort of stopped singing and their jaws dropped - people came up to me afterwards to compliment me, and really it was rather flattering!

I felt a little culturally insensitive last weekend as we celebrated Thanksgiving at my house (Christine loves to cook and wanted all of my American friends to come over so we could all celebrate together) and the whole time I played Christmas carols while preparing the food. Apparently I cook the perfect pumpkin pie too! Thinking about what I am thankful for, one thing came straight to mind - I am thankful for having the best possible Mum that anyone could ask for. Not only that, but the best Grandparents that one could ever ask for too. My life really is perfect.

Every weekend until I go home is planned. I have 39 days left to go. This weekend I am venturing into the snow for a Rotary Conference weekend where we have to bring sturdy footwear as we are hiking. Apparently if the weather is bad (it already is!) then we will be swimming instead. We also have to do a Christmas concert on the Saturday night and I do believe that my friend and I are performing Justin Bieber's Christmas classic *cough* Mistletoe, as it is the only Christmas song that Dillon can play on his guitar. Next weekend my friend Nicola (also exchange student with Rotary from Australia) is visiting me on the Friday when I have my first night of our Christmas concert, and on the Saturday I am baking Christmas biscuits with other Rotarians and exchange students and have once again my Christmas concert. The following weekend is my last Rotex weekend, and all is Christmas themed. And then, before we know it Christmas is here followed by New Years and home time. I really must say, I am not too keen for a 39.5 hour journey from when I leave my house here in Germany at 4am, and arrive in Christchurch at 11.30am two days later with only "Snack and/or Brunch" as my meal on a TWENTY SIX HOUR FLIGHT. I am going to starve. Ah well, thinking about the list of things I intend on eating when I am home, I don't think I will waste away anytime soon.

I am all prepared for next year. For a start, as soon as we get home I am being swept away again to go camping to Hurunui as we do every year - I truly can't wait. Then, I have contacted my holiday programme for disabled kids where I volunteer, to let them know that the week once I return from camping that I would like to help out a few days. I have also emailed my old work at Countdown to let them know that I am more than willing to return to work. I am all officially accepted and enrolled at the University of Canterbury! I will be studying English, German and Education and living at home with mummy (once I get home I don't think she'll ever be able to get rid of me, I'm never going to want to leave!) and I can see my future getting all sorted out and confirmed in front of me.

I must say though, as nice as Christmas is here, I am dreadfully homesick. I can't help it - it's just been so long, and home is so soon, yet still so far. Waiting is just torture. I feel bad because I don't want my host family to think that I am unhappy here and that I don't appreciate their Christmas and what they're doing for me, but this time of year is my favourite time of year at home - the A&P Show where mum and I always take the day off on Wednesday or Thursday as we don't like the crowds on Friday and mooch around the show in sheer bliss and try new things and pat/talk to horses and then lie on the hill watching the arena and getting absolutely friend by the sun, mum's birthday on the 23rd December, my all time favourite time of the year, Christmas, with the whole family together and then New Years at Taka or Akaroa with Nooh, Willie, Bill and Ollie and Matt. This time really is my favourite time of year and I miss it more than words can say. Germany is lovely, and while I understand that many people will be upset to return home, I can honestly say that I am ready to come home. I have seen and experienced Germany and had a lovely time. But now I am ready to come home and cuddle up on the couch with mum with Thai or Indian Takeaways and watch Midsomer Murders and elbow her in the ribs every time she falls asleep and snores so loud that I can't focus on the telly. It's been a very full on year and I am overdue to just blob at home in my perfect little world with my perfect life and perfect mum. And sleep in a bed with a decent pillow.

As mum said, Christmas will be different this year and will certainly be an experience for me that I will never forget. However, I know that when I sit on that plane yes, I will be sad to be leaving my amazing host family but I will feel peace in my heart - I am ready to come home.