Yes, I said it, We have Summer. Well, 'technically' Spring, but as I try telling people, I don't believe in Spring or Autumn - if it's cold, it's Winter, if it's hot, it's Summer.
Life is starting to warm up. I have spent the past week after school strolling through the beautiful city buying a ridiculously long list if things I need for Europatour which is on Tuesday. We are going to France, Italy, Switzerland, Austria, Belgium and Prague and at this time if year it is very possible I could face all climates from a blizzard to a 30 degree day, and when you're only allowed to "Pack the bare essentials" this becomes very stressful - everything is essential!! All I can say is that we'd better have hot weather in Italy, so I can wear the many summer dresses I have oacked and fulfil my vision of me strolling around Italy looking gorgeous and summery like they do in the movies. Apparently we go out for dinner every night, and the icecream is to die for and me being the food obsessed exchange student that I am, I cannot wait! Even if my train on Tuesday to get to the meeting point leaves at 5.30am...
I have joined a new choir, that some girls from scool as well as my counsellor are in. It's really great, and a lot more official and organised than my other choir as this one is more for adults, and the particular three biys fromt he other choir that I wanted to hit a lot as they refused to listen, talked loudly all the time and spoke back to the conductor are blissfully not present. We sing German songs, as well as songs like Monday, Monday and Mamma Mia!
Easter was a bit of a low point for me, as I couldn't stop thinking about my incredible Easters Mum and I have with Susie P and Margie and Liv and Nick in Hanmer - it truly is one of my favourite times of the year and one of my few blissful, relaxing getaways and I loved waking up early and climbing into Mum's bed (yes, at the age if 17) and stealing all of Mum's space/blankets/pillows as well as eating her Marmite crumpets. I'm not sure if I have mentioned this, but every year since as long as I can remember the 'Easter Bunny' has given me a Cadbury Great Bunny with the waistcoat and Purple Magic Wishing Egg. Even last year, when I'm supposedly 'grown up' the Easter Bunny came. However, this year I was forced to accept that there would be no Bunny. I was wrong. Mum, my amazing, incredible mum sent me all the way from New Zealand my Great Bunny. His box got a little squashed along the way, but he was in perfect condition. Infact, he still is. That is because I cannot bring myself to eat him. He sits at my bedside and is the first thing I see in the morning, reminding me just how much Mum loves me that just so I don't get sad at having my first year with no Great Bunny, she sends him to me to show me just how much she loves me. I just can't eat him. Nope, no way.
I had my last A2 German Coursee lesson on Thursday, and was thrilled when the teacher got me up infront if the whole ckass and told me she was astounded at how quickly I had learnt the language and how it was incredible that at the beginning the first thing I said was "Entschuldigung (sorry), I can't speak German" and now they can;t get me to shut up (in german!!) and everyone was nodding and agreeing with what the teacher said and it clapping for me - it was really encouraging and made me feel rather chuffed!
And I do believe that is all for now, gotta go have some breakfast and continue cramming things into my rather tight suitcase - EVERYTHING IS ESSENTIAL!!
Hey Emma!
ReplyDeleteYou know, I can't get enough of what you write. It's so refreshingly funny and interesting and well written and informative. So you're gonna tour Europe? That's great. Coincidence has it that I'm gonna be in Prague for the next week... Never been to the Czech Republic before.
I'm sure you're gonna get to look gorgeous in Italy. Enjoy and Viel Spaß!