Wednesday, January 16, 2013

My Adventure Begins...

Well, who would have believed it. I, Emma Ferner have arrived in one piece in Las Angeles. The girl that, until yesterday had not left little New Zealand has ventured out into the big wide world.

There were only a few dilemmas that happened on the way - needless to say I do not think I am fit for travel. First, the woman at baggage check in refused to let me check in as I didn't have a physical address on me of where I am staying in the States. After my heart stopping for a second and Harrie informing me that my address was likely to be in my itinerary (thankfully it was), I was allowed to check in. However, then as I am walking away from the desk I realise that the woman never returned my passport to me. After another panicked moment my passport was back in my posession ( NOT MY FAULT SHE DIDN'T GIVE IT BACK). After some very-close-to-tears goodbyes, (I couldn't look Mum or Mason in the eye. If I had, I would have lost it), I proceeded through domestic customs. Going through, alas I set off the metal detectors and after realising my phone was in my pocket, I am sent back to go through again. After recieveing the all clear, I went off and had a wander about before realising that I, Emma Ferner, had left my phone at security. Just as I realise, there is a loud speaker announcement to the whole airport about it *sigh*. Might I point out, I have not even left Christchurch at this point. 

Thankfully, the rest of my airport experience went surprisingly well considering my previous track record. On my first big plane ever I was seated between two complete adult strangers who didn't appreciate the fact that I got up lots during the flight. As I was wedged between two strangers, sleeping was a bit of an uncomfortable mission as I did not fancy the idea of waking up facing either of them. I managed to steal about three hours of sleep in the end. They fed us Korma Curry for dinner followed by Kapiti Icecream, and fruit salad and really yummy cereal for breakfast. 

Las Angeles is massive. I mean ginormous. HUGE. Bigger than the canterbury plains, and filled with residential buildings, motorways and skyscrapers. The city goes on for miles, out of eyesight.
Customs at USA was terrifying after watching far too much border patrol. I was surprised that they didn't even guddle through my bag or anything. However, they DID take my fingerprints and take photos of me like I was some criminal.

When we finally arived at the hotel, we went to our rooms and got changed to go to Venice Beach. On the way, our lovely chaperone Lisa informed us of 'Medical Marijuana' that is legal in the US. Needless to say, when we arrived, the stores that lined the beach were filled to the brim with things to smoke marijuana from, 'docotr consultations' and just weed. Lots and lots of weed. T-shirts with pictures, hats, hoodies, everything. The place was also filled with homeless people. Almost half of the people on the strip were homeless, all holding signs or trying to sell things. One sign I particulalry remember was "Not gonna lie, need $$ for beer". As much as I thought the beach at sunset was beautiful, and admired the many palm trees as seen in movies, I could never live here. Ever. Too intimidating, too..dodgy. However, for a holiday it was truly an experience!

We then went out for a good ole traditional meal - Pizza and deep fried chicken! Admittedly, what I did eat was really good, however my waistline may not agree... I also tried Pink Lemonade which surprisingly didn't taste like lemonade at all and wasn't fizzy either - very different!

After our grand dinnner, we returned to the hotel before proceeding to the supermarket and one thing I have to say: SO. MUCH. FANCY. ICECREAM. SOOOO MUCH. I should have bought some, but I decided to save my money for better things. Like Disneyland tomorrow - AHHH I CAN'T WAIT! They also had an impressive chip section of the supermarket, and lots of products with peanut butter - PB stuffed pretzels, M&M's, Icecream and even pre-mixed Peanut butter and Jam. It was amazing. Also, people kept laughing at our amazement and sheer wonder at everything in the supermarket, and we were even asked if we were Australian. IT HAS BEGUN.

Well, Its getting late now and while I don't FEEL Tired, I feel like I am sitting on a boat. My head rocks and gets dizzy every time I turn it. I think this is a sign to go and try to navigate the terrifying shower that appears to have some secret to make it work, and crawl off to bed.


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