Monday, January 21, 2013

Update on my Adventure - I Have Arrived!

So much has happend these past few days, and I am exhausted.

Disneyland on my first day of LA was incredible. I love it. I wish I coud live there. The rides were amazing, the shogping was amazing (not sure if good thing or not!) and the food was also amazing. I ended up buying a Disneyland Hoodie (they didn't have a Lion King one or an Eyore one) and I left wishing I had another 3 days to see and do everything. Universal the next day was a bit of a let down after such an amazing day at Disneyland, but the few rides that it did have were super good even though I had no interest in the movies they were themed on. That afternoon, after going to Universal we went to Hollywood Boulevard - definitely an experience.  Iam glad to be able to say that I have been there, but that is about it. I found the number of people that would come up to you trying to scam you into giving them money quite terrifying and because of the amount of beggars, the whole place had a rather..dodgy atmosphere to it. However, I did get to see the stars and got at least 50 photos of different Celebritie's mark of fame!

The next day we left for London after making it through the thing I was so scared about - LA customs. However, I manged to get my way through there alive, so I was safe. The last day in LA, Jess, Brenna and I were craving healthy fruit so much that we actually went over to the supermarket and bought nectarines, peaches and raspberries for breakfast. We just needed something healthy!!
I got no sleep on the 10 hour flight. None at all, thanks to a screaming baby.

Flying over London, we could see that it was snowing. However, it wasn't until we found out that some flights had been cancelled did we realise how badly. However, while everyone elses flight that had been cancelled had been booked onto another flight for that day, as only my travelling luck would have it the next flight going to Hamburg was for the next day meaning that Iwould have to spend the night alone, in a hotel. Fortunately another girl ended up sharing the room with me, meaning I was not the only one having to spend the night there. The airport ended up booking me into a 4 star hotel with a standard room costing $500NZD a night, with complimentary dinner and breakfast as well as vouchers providing shuttle transport to and from the airport. The weather looked promising this morning, and I made it onto my flight. I am in love with London - everyone there is ridiculously friendly and I just love their accents! My flight to Hamburg was an hour long, and surprisingly exhausting. I hit yet another wall when I got to customs and they asked to see my visa - something I had been informed that  I did not need. They told em that I couldn't stay in germany without it,  making my heart stop. Turns out though, that I have 3 months to apply for one and that Rotary will organise it for me - something else I really didn't want to have to overcome when exahausted and wanting to get home!

Eventually I made it through the doors to the arrival lounge, where Liane was waiting for me with a Welcome balloon. Germany is Cold. VERY VERY COLD. After an hour drive we made in to Lueneburg, and to our little village. Their house is beautiful, and their dog is scared of me. The family are so welcoming and I feel so comfortable here, although I desperately miss my uggboots and need to buy a coat! I have also been informed that I start school on Wednesday, and I am likely to be put in a class of year 10's - yaaay! :P Did I mention that everyone speaks German here? My host family can speak english as well, but they ALL SPEAK GERMAN. But I need to go to dinner now, and then off to bed.



  1. Hi Em!
    i really like your article! And sure it's cold :D And yes WE ALL speak german :D You gonna make it :)

    Your german friend, Sophia :*
    <-- Please follow my blog :D

    1. <3 I'm going to have to get some warmer clothes I think xD

      Ich liebe dich c:
